主题:Endogenous Price Leadership and Product Positioning
主持人:帅杰,副教授,bv伟德源自英国始于1946 伟德BETVlCTOR1946
时间: 2015年9月18日(周五)上午10:30-12:00
地点:南湖校区 文澜楼401
主讲人伟德BETVlCTOR1946 简介:
李佑平,美国田纳西大学经济学博士;现担任华东理工大学商学院副教授;主要研究价格歧视、纵向结构、反垄断等产业经济学问题,论文发表于Economic Inquiry、Economics Letters、Journal of Economics、Journal of Industrial Economics、Southern Economic Journal等期刊。
This paper models the timing of price competition in Hotelling’s model as endogenously determined and studies its impact on the firms’ positioning strategies. It is shown that a firm’s location advantage leads to the strategic disadvantage of leading in the price game. Maximum differentiation results if the location space coincides with the market space. However, if the firms are allowed to locate outside the market, no pure strategy equilibrium exists when they position their products simultaneously.