主题|Topic:Econometric model for production theory?
时间|Time:10月16号(周二)|Oct. 16th (Tuesday), 8:00 - 11:35AM
地点|Venue:文添楼401教室|Lecture Room 401,WENTIAN
杜凯老师经济学博士毕业于澳洲阿德莱德大学,现为墨尔本皇家理工大学国际商务创新(Global Business Innovation)方向研究员(RMIT Vice-Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Fellowship),昆士兰大学效率与生产力研究中心兼职研究员,阿德莱德大学企业家精神,商业化与创新研究中心访问学者。研究方向包括:两阶段数据包络分析(two stage data envelopment analysis),随机前沿分析(stochastic frontier analysis)和创新与企业家精神(entrepreneurship and innovation)。研究成果发表在European Journal of Operational Research (SCI&SSCI), Small Business Economics (SCI&SSCI), Research in International Business and Finance (SSCI) 和 Journal of Intellectual Capital (SSCI)等期刊上。
研究领域|Research Interests
two stage data envelopment analysis,stochastic frontier analysis,entrepreneurship and innovation
Economic complexity when considered as accumulated knowledge has been evidenced to associate with economic growth. However, in this paper we consider economic complexity, not as a static accumulation, but as a dynamic outcome of aggregate national commercialization processes that creates economic diversity by applying new knowledge as innovative products that are then taken to export markets. We find that when a national innovation system produces a diverse portfolio of product outputs that this accelerates national economic growth. Our results support this conceptualization of the dynamics within an economy and has implications for policy-makers facing choices between strengthening specialization or diversification of its industrial base.