文澜学术系列讲座 第134期 毕马威(KPMG)副总监刘燊博士:“An introduction to machine learning and its applications in retail and insurance (机器学习导论与其在零售业和保险业中的应用)”



时间|Time124号(周二)|Dec. 4th (Tuesday), 930 - 1130AM

地点Venue文添楼401室教室|Lecture Room 401WENTIAN


刘燊博士目前为KPMG(毕马威)总监,负责项目、客户管理,数据分析、建模。他曾就职于澳大利亚 Woolworths 集团,任职高级数据科学家,负责设计、开发及运维 Woolworths 情绪分析平台等。他主要研究方向为数据挖掘与机器学习。已发表论文在Science of The Total EnvironmentJournal of Ultrasound in MedicineAgriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 等期刊上。

研究领域|Research Interests 


Machine Learning and Data Mining


Abstract: In this lecture, we will go through some fundamental concepts in machine learning, such as supervised learning, unsupervised learning, loss function, optimization, hyper-parameter tuning, model diagnostics, etc. In particular, we will have a discussion on the topics related to deep learning, including architectures, implementations and domains of application. We will conclude the lecture by two case studies, namely, AI-assisted sentiment analysis and the future of insurance pricing.