主题|Topic:Information Provision and Streamlined Medical Service: Evidence from a Mobile Appointment App
时间|Time:11月14号(周四)|Nov. 14th (Thursday), 12:15-13:15 PM
地点|Venue:文澴楼711会议室|Meeting Room 711,WENHUAN
袁野博士现为北京大学经济学院助理教授。2012年取得新加坡国立大学应用数学学士学位,2017年取得新加坡国立大学经济学博士学位,2017-2019年在新加坡国立大学经济系任讲师,2019年加入北京大学经济学院。研究兴趣是健康、教育、医疗保险和医疗市场。研究成果已发表于 Lancet, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, China Economic Review 等学术期刊上。
研究领域|Research Interests
We study the effect of information provision and a streamlined appointment process on hospital operations and the alignment of healthcare supply and demand by examining the launch of a mobile outpatient appointment app in China. Using longitudinal hospital operations data and a difference- in-differences model, we demonstrate that the app increases completed hospital consultations by 9.5%, through boosting registrations by 4.8% and reducing appointment cancellations by 3.4%. Using hospital operations data, patient electronic medical records, and app-user data, we find that the app directs patients to the hospital and department most suitable for their medical conditions and to less busy days. Our results show that the app’s information provision enhances the allocative efficiency of hospital resources and improves the match between patient demand and hospital services.